Update for
Friday, May 16, 2014
How many Rooster Game books
has your child read?


Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility,

Empathy, Self-Control


Students worked really hard on the NECAP science tests this week.  Great job! 
How do plants affect the amount of erosion? 

The Great State of Rhode Island will be celebrated on Friday!


 Nightly reading should be 1 - 3 chapters of the student's "Good Fit Book."  Other "quick reads" (library picture books, comic novels, etc) should be enjoyed after the nightly chapter reading.

Supplies Needed:

     The cleaning (baby/lysol) wipes supply is low.  Please donate a container, if you can. 


May 19 - Landmark projects due
May 22 - Early Release Day
May 23 - Rhode Island Day
May 26 - Memorial Day - No School
May 27 - Slater Mill visitors here
May 28 - Middle School field trip
May 29 - Slater Mill field trip
June 9 - Lighthouse Cruise field trip


Focus Lessons:  I can convert measurements from smaller to larger and from larger to smaller units using equations or T-charts.
Facts:  Continue to practice multiplication and division facts so your child doesn't get rusty!

Please find time for your child to use the computer to go on xtramath at least 3-4 times a week!  CONGRATULATIONS to Caitlynn for completing multiplication!


      Students finished Pictures of Hollis Woods and will be watching the Hallmark Hall-of-Fame movie version next week to compare the book and movie.
      We will begin a study of Greek mythology and learn how certain phrases from mythology are used in our everyday language.



Art:  -     Mondays - Ms. Jean Mandeville

Gym:      Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Mr. Pucci and Ms. Daigle

Library:  Wednesdays - Mrs. Ward

Health:   Thursdays - Ms. Daigle  - 

Music:     Fridays - Mr. Zielski  - 

Chorus:   Fridays - Mr. Zielski

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